
Showing posts from August, 2024

Apr - Jul 2024

Friends, Our work and life continues here in Aotearoa New Zealand. We are so grateful for the ways God has provided flourishing work and ministry spaces for us here. Some work and ministry highlights: Easter Camp . Michael got to speak to a gathering of thousands of teens from all over the North Island, sharing the BIG STORY of the Bible, that "God is with us in the dark, giving light to us, shining light through us, flooding the world with God's glorious goodness." And then he smashed a bunch of glassware on stage and shared that, like Kintsugi  pottery, God delights in resurrection, restoration, in reclamation, in redemption. He takes the brokenness of the world and the brokenness of our own hearts and restores and makes beautiful what was broken. This is good news for us! for the world! for these teengagers! It was amazing to see the Holy Spirit use Michael to draw many young people deeper into God's love during Easter Camp.  Michael on stage at Easter Camp Lots