A Big Catch Up... Settling into life in Randwick Park (November 2022 - April 2023) (Part 2)

  • Our home and family life (continued)

Christmas Camping Trip to Motutara Farm in Whananaki. It is an adjustment to have a summer Christmas, but I'll be honest... I think I could get used to amazing weather during the holiday season.


The Tongariro Alpine Crossing... aka hiking MOUNT DOOM!! What an incredible hike.

Gay and Mike's visit was full of joy and adventure. We visited Hobbiton, the Muriwai gannet colony, and the sheep of Ambury Farm. We explored Waitomo glowworm caves and Orakei Korako geothermal pools, laughed and yelled big time during the Huka Falls jet boating experience, body boarded and sand castled at Whangamata Beach, and hiked the epic Tangariro Alpine Crossing. In addition to all this, we had lots of time for snuggles, reading, and epic art projects (do you see that Hobbit door?!)

And a few more family photos... I just couldn't resist...

  • Michael's Work. Michael continues to flourish as Old Testament lecturer for Carey Baptist College. A recent treat for me was to attend "Easter Camp" in Fielding as a family. Michael led several workshops for teens and youth pastors, and it was really special (and challenging and inspiring!) to participate in his sessions. At the top of God's "job description" for Himself is Justice and Righteousness, and we as His people are invited to be full participants in bringing God's just and compassionate rule and reign to this topsy turvy world that He loves so much. Below are a few pictures of us at Easter Camp.

  • My Work. I have officially started work with Urban Neighours of Hope (UNOH)! UNOH is a Christian non-profit committed to joining with communities of urban poverty to participate together in seeing Jesus' transforming work in the world. Our family has already jumped into this work with joy! I am now working to raise prayer and financial support for this work! If you are "keen" (Kiwi for eager) to partner in the work that God is doing here, I would love for you to join the team! Would you consider supporting me by praying and/or giving regularly? If you want more information, let me know! I also plan to write a separate blog post with all the details of my work and how you can give and pray. 
If you have gotten this far, you are quite the blog-reading-trooper. THANK YOU! 

Much love,
Rebecca for all of us πŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’š


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